My digital tools and routines (2024)
My computer is my wizard’s staff, the thing that allows me to do my magic. What is my set up, what tools do I use for daily productivity, and how do I keep it safe from a disaster?
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Hands on Rama, day 3: Foreign keys and data integrity, macros, queries
The adventure with Rama continues! In the previous installment, I have created a simple C(R)UD for "components". Today, we will spice it up and add a foreign key and data integrity maintenance. Namely, a component can have a parent, which can also have a parent, etc.
I learn about transactional updates, about writing query topologies, and about code reuse with Rama segmacros. As usually, I excel at running into problems we can all learn from 😅.
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Rama: How to achieve a transactional update across partitions
While implementing my pet project on the mind-bending Rama platform, I ran into the classical need for an atomic update of a set of states, possibly at different partitions / machines. Let’s see what are our options for implementing that.
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Hands on Rama, day 2: Rewrite CAS, finish basic C(R)UD
My adventures with Rama continue from day 1. In the second day, I rewrote the compare-and-set logic to atomically succeed only if all field edits were ok (instead of on per-field basis), and I finished my basic, idempotent C(R)UD, with full test coverage. I have re-learned that no special forms may be used in dataflow code. Instead, I may write top-level functions or create anonymous rama fns via <<ramafn
. I have also been reminded that code called from dataflow must not throw exceptions.
I actually took a long break between my first and second day of coding, because the first one taught me that I really needed to understand Rama in much more detail. So I have read essentially the whole Java-focused docs, as well as Clojure ns docstrings, especially those for paths. Since I am me, I forgot a lot and will need to re-read it, but anyway writing Rama is now much simpler.
Overall, it was pretty smooth sailing, even though I had some rough spots, as you can read below.
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