nREPL over HTTP(s) with Drawbridge in 2020
Sometimes the only way to get REPL into your production application is to tunnel it over HTTP. nREPL has a transport and Ring handler for that provided by Drawbridge. Heroku has a nice but too dated guide on using nREPL with Drawbridge. I would like to fill the missing bits here.
[ring/ring-core "1.8.0"]
[ring/ring-jetty-adapter "1.8.0"]
[nrepl/nrepl "0.6.0"]
[nrepl/drawbridge "0.2.1"]
we start Jetty and hook nREPL into it via Drawbridge:
(ns minbedrift-uav.webrepl
"Start a nREPL server over HTTP"
[ring.adapter.jetty :refer [run-jetty]]
(def drawbridge-handler
(-> (drawbridge.core/ring-handler)
(defn -main []
#(if (= "/repl" (:uri %))
(drawbridge-handler %)
{:status "OK" :body "Do something else..."})
{:port 5555, :join? true}))
In practice you would run it in addition to your main API/.. and thus wanted :join? false
so that the process doesn’t block on starting the REPL server.
Refer to the original Heroku Drawbridge guide for details and regarding adding authentication
The simples way I have found to connect is using Leiningen:
;; project.clj
(defproject whatever "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:plugins [[nrepl/drawbridge "0.2.1"]])
and lein :connect http://localhost:5555/repl
(the http://
is key).
It should be possible to do this with clj
clj -Sdeps '{:deps {nrepl/drawbridge {:mvn/version "0.2.1"}}}' \ -m nrepl.cmdline --transport drawbridge.client/ring-client-transport \ --connect --host localhost --port 5555
but it doesn’t as of v.0.2.1, see nrepl/drawbridge#40.
(If you get instead an exception in bencode.clj
then you forgot to specify the drawbridge transport and use the default bencode one.)