PostgreSQL: From JSON to table and back
I have a jsonb
column in Postgres and I would like to update parts of it based on some other parts of the value. In Clojure I would have used update
, which does new-value = f(old-value)
. How can I achieve something similar - i.e. deriving the new value from the old one - in Postgres? It turns out I can, with the help of a temporary table and jsonb_to_recordset
that can turn a jsonb value into a table and row_to_json + jsonb_agg
that can turn that back to jsonb. Let’s see how it works.
The data
I have a table called report
with the primary key _id
and jsonb column columns
. It looks like this:
_id | columns |
123 | [{"key": "name", "type": "field", "label": "Name"}, {"key": "Supports", "type": "reference-type-outgoing", "label": "Supports"}, …] |
456 | [{"key": "name", "type": "custom", "label": "Name", "dataType": "Text", "sort": "ASC"}] |
789 | [] |
Notice that the objects in the array may have different keys.
What I want to do is to update every column of the type reference-type-outgoing
or reference-type-incoming
by appending the direction - outgoing or incoming - to the key. F.ex. the column above would become {"key": "Supports—outgoing", "type": "reference-type-outgoing", …
Part 1: jsonb → table
First I need to extract the individual column elements into a table, with keys becoming column names. I also include the source table’s _id to remember what belongs together. I will put them into a temporary table so that I can update the values in it and that it will be automatically removed when the transaction or session ends.
create temp table tmp_report_cols AS
select r._id, rep_col.* from report r,
lateral jsonb_to_recordset(r.columns) (1)
as rep_col(key text, type text, label text, (2)
"dataType" text, sort text) (3)
where r."columns" @@ '$[*].type starts with "reference-type-"';
1 | while LATERAL allows us to run a subquery on the table column,
jsonb_to_recordset will turn each object in a jsonb array into a table row |
2 | the as <name>(<types def>) is crucial as it tells recordset what the types of the columns are |
3 | double-quote names that are not all lowercase so that the casing will be preserved |
The data there will be:
_id | key | type | label | dataType | sort |
123 | name | field | Name | null | null |
123 | Supports | reference-type-outgoing | Supports | null | null |
456 | name | custom | Name | Text | ASC |
Part 2: apply the updates the temporary table
Now I want to find all column definitions with the type=reference-type-*
and add the direction to their key if it isn’t there yet:
update tmp_report_cols
set key = key || case when type = 'reference-type-outgoing'
then '--outgoing' else '--incoming' end
where type like 'reference-type-%' and key !~ '--(incoming|outgoing)$';
Part 3: table → jsonb
Finally I want to propagate the changes back to the source table. So I need to re-constitute the complete jsonb value. I leverage a WITH
to put the rebuilt json into a temporary table to use in the update statement:
with fixed as (
-- Turn the table back to jsonb (note that the double `((` is crucial):
select _id, jsonb_agg( (1)
json_strip_nulls( (2)
row_to_json( (3)
(SELECT r FROM (SELECT key, type, label, "dataType", sort) r))))
as cols (4)
from tmp_report_cols group by _id)
update report r set "columns" = fixed.cols from fixed where r._id = fixed._id
-- returning r._id, "columns" -- add this to see what was changed
1 | jsonb_agg works with group by _id to combine all values for a particular _id into a jsonb array |
2 | json_strip_nulls removes any keys with null values, which I want in this particular case |
3 | row_to_json turns each row into a json object |
4 | The two nested selects ensure that row_to_json gets correct column names instead of the f1, f2, etc. that it would use otherwise |
It seems that the order of the resulting array will be the same as in the original input, which is exactly what I need.
drop table tmp_report_cols;
That’s it! The relevant .key values inside the jsonb column have been updated.