How To Generate A Valid Credit Card Number For A Bin (First 6 Digits)
There is plenty of generators that can produce numbers that are valid credit card numbers according to the Luhn check and specific rules of the individual issuer companies. However I have not found anything that would generate the missing digits given a bin, i.e. the first 6 digits of a credit card (the "bank identification number"). So I created one, reverse-engineering
Testing FTW!
from common-validator 1.4:
// Groovy:
/** Map RegExp from C.C.Validator to the total length of the CC# */
binReToLen = [
(~/^(3[47]\d{0,13})$/) : 13+2, // amex
(~/^30[0-5]\d{0,11}$/) : 11+3, // diners 1
(~/^(3095\d{0,10})$/) : 10+4, // diners 2
(~/^(36\d{0,12})$/) : 12+2, // diners 3
(~/^|3[8-9]\d{0,12}$/) : 12+2, // diners 4
(~/^(5[1-5]\d{0,14})$/) : 14+2, // master
(~/^(4)(\d{0,12}|\d{15})$/) : 12+1 // visa
// Discover cards omitted
/** Bin is e.g. 123456 */
def completeCCn(String bin) {
def ccnFill = "1" * 19
int ccnLen = lenForBin(bin)
def ccnWithoutCheck = bin + ccnFill[0..<(ccnLen - 6 - 1)] // - bin, - check digit
def check = computeLuhncheckDigit(ccnWithoutCheck)
return "$ccnWithoutCheck$check"
def lenForBin(String bin) {
def match = binReToLen.find { it.key.matcher(bin).matches() }
if (match == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Bin $bin does not match any known CC issuer")
def computeLuhncheckDigit(def ccnWithoutCheck) {
completeCCn('465944') // => 4659441111118
Testing FTW!