Inspect Your Webapp in a Live Environment Interactively with GroovyConsole

Have you ever needed to check the state of your webapp's objects/Session/.. to find out why the hell something doesn't work or have you had to learn a weird 3rd party API that is only available on the server? Then you were doomed ... until the publication of GroovyConsole. JeeUtils GroovyConsole provides a JSP page that let you execute any Groovy/Java code on the server side, with access to server-side objects like request/session etc.

Here is a screenshot of my recent troubleshooting session, where I needed to check the state of a session-scoped JSF Managed Bean:

(Notice that the screenshot uses heavily the beauties of Groovy though you could use the ordinary boring Java too :-).)

The application is self-explanatory (and pretty small) so just check it check it out (and let me know what you think).

If you would prefer telnet access (and can have the port open) then you may be also interested in the Embedding Groovy article.

Tags: java groovy troubleshooting productivity library

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